To ensure the safety of all parties and to stop the further spread of the Covid-19 virus, please complete the below questions as honestly and accurately as possible prior to your appointment date.
By my electronic signature below I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand this agreement and all the information detailed above. I understand I will be receiving a professional service from a licensed Service Provider. I further understand that the Service Provider neither diagnoses illness, disease or any other medical, physical or mental disorder. I am responsible for consulting a qualified physician for any ailment that I have. Because the Service Provider must be aware of any existing physical conditions that I have I have listed all my known medical conditions and physical limitations and I will inform the specialist in writing of any change in my physical health. I agree that this constitutes full disclosure. I understand that withholding information or providing misinformation may result in contraindications and/or irritation to the skin from treatments received. If any information changes between my appointments I will let my Service Provider know. I understand that there shall be no liability on the Service Provider or the practitioner for any services rendered.