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LED Light Therapy Consultation/Consent Form

Medical Screening

Please check all that apply and give details below:



Fitzpatrick skin types:


1) Very pale white skin, often with green or blue eyes and fair or red hair - burns without tanning2) White skin, often with blue eyes - burns and does not tan easily3) Fair skin with brown eyes and brown hair - burns first then tans4) Light brown skin, dark eyes, and dark hair - burns a little and tans easily5) Brown skin, dark eyes, and dark hair - easily tans to a darker color and rarely burns6) Dark brown or black skin, dark eyes, and dark hair - never burns but tans darker

Treatment Information


What is Light Therapy?


To put it simply, light therapy uses varying colour wavelengths of visible LED (light emitting diode) light to provide specific benefits to your skin. Your skin uses this light as a source of light energy to aid in the killing of bacteria. As the light triggers these natural responses in your body it can help promote improvements in the skin as a result of sun damage, acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, sensitive and inflammatory conditions, wound healing and scarring to restore the skin’s radiance.



Types of Light Therapy


The benefits of light therapy are actually tied to the colour of light used on your skin. As each colour of light has different wavelengths, they affect the skin differently and provide varying results.


Blue Light - Known for its powerful antibacterial properties, blue light is the treatment for acne. The light effectively treats active breakouts without irritation while reducing oil production and helping prevent future acne. Blue light is also a UV-free alternative for the treatment of eczema and psoriasis as it reduces itch and calms inflammation.


Red Light - Most often used for its anti-aging effects as it is especially effective in helping to combat wrinkles, fine lines, sun spots, discolouration, and other visible signs of maturing skin. Specifically, the low wavelengths of red light can help to increase natural hydration levels, reduce redness and inflammation, regulate oil production, and even improve circulation.


Near Infra-Red Light - Very similar to red light, near infra-red light is the most deeply absorbed wavelength, this treatment helps smooth lines and wrinkles, improve skin resiliency, reduce pain and inflammation, and accelerate the wound healing process, including cystic acne. This type of light simply works at a deeper level than red light alone which fights the signs of aging that occur closer to the skin’s surface.



Treatment Frequency


Each LED light therapy treatment lasts around 20 minutes. You’ll likely need up to 10 treatments in total, depending on the results you’re looking to achieve.



Is it safe?


Since LEDs don’t contain UV rays, this is considered a safer form of light therapy that won’t cause long-term damage to your skin. The procedure is also noninvasive and has few risks.



LED light therapy may be recommended to you if you have darker or sensitive skin. Unlike more invasive procedures such as laser therapy, LEDs don’t burn your skin. They also don’t cause any pain.



However, there may still be risks associated with LED light therapy:

  • If you currently use Accutane for acne, be advised that this powerful drug derived from vitamin A increases your skin’s sensitivity to light and may cause scarring in some instances.

  • Do not use LED light therapy if you’re using anything on your skin that makes you sensitive to sunlight.

  • You also might consider avoiding this treatment if you currently have an active rash. Talk with your doctor if you have psoriasis. Red light therapy could help but only if you use it in conjunction with your regularly prescribed treatments.


Side effects from LED light therapy are rare. Call your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms post-treatment:

  • increased inflammation

  • redness

  • rash

  • pain

  • tenderness

  • hives


What to expect after therapy?


LED light therapy is non-invasive, so no recovery time is required. You should be able to continue with your everyday activities once your treatment is over.


You may start to see minor results after your first session. Results will be more dramatic and noticeable once you’ve finished all of your treatments.


Even after you’ve achieved the recommended number of sessions, your results aren’t permanent.


To ensure the safety of all parties and to stop the further spread of the Covid-19 virus, please complete the below questions as honestly and accurately as possible prior to your appointment date.

Appointment Guidance

  • If you have answered yes to any of the above questions we will be in contact as you may need to reschedule your appointment with us.

  • Please only attend at your appointment time.

  • Please ensure you are on time - if you are late this may result in your appointment being canceled.

  • Please attend your appointment unaccompanied.

  • Please limit the personal possessions you bring with you.

  • Please wear a face mask/covering to your appointment.

  • Upon arrival please wait until you are called forward to the reception.

  • Upon arrival please use the hand sanitizer provided.

  • Please maintain social distancing where possible.

  • If you experience Covid-19 symptoms after your appointment please contact us immediately.

Thanks for submitting!

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